HP Rustop 173 & 274

RUSTOP 173, 274



RUSTOP 274 is a premium rust preventive oil used in final packing stage in critical applications such as in ball bearings. In addition to water displacing property, it has an additional finger print neutralizing property. Due to its superior properties, it can offer protection for extended durations when used undiluted. For inter process protection, however, it can be diluted with mineral turpentine, to cut costs. Incan also be used as a sealant for sophisticated components.


RUSTOP 274 is a premium rust preventive oil used in final packing stage in critical applications such as in ball bearings. In addition to water displacing property, it has an additional finger print neutralizing property. Due to its superior properties, it can offer protection for extended durations when used undiluted. For inter process protection, however, it can be diluted with mineral turpentine, to cut costs. Incan also be used as a sealant for sophisticated components.

Physico-chemical properties

  274 275 276 282 283
Appearance Dull Clear Dull Clear Clear
Flash Point, COC °C, Min 120
Non Volaties % Wt 19-24 45-50
Copper Strip Corrosion,At 3 Hrs, 100°C, ASTM,Max 1 – 1 1 – – 1A 1 1
Water Displacement Test Pass Pass Pass
Density 0.7-0.9 0.855
Kin Visc @ 40 °C, cSt 18-28 12-14 20-30 85-95 12.50-16.00